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Dreams do come true… but watch for the tale in fairy tales…

Dreams do come true… but watch for the tale in fairy tales…
Just thinking about the fairy tales we were raised on… and then they lived happily ever after…

they forget to tell you that happily and ever after requires a lot of work. Prince charming snores, Cinderella has bad breath and wakes up cranky til her morning coffee, and there are times when both are long overdue for a shower, leave their smelly gym bag in the car, or just plain make a mess. And really? How often do you get to wear those shoes? and that dress… sit on the throne eating bon bons too long and it won’t fit!

Happy doesn’t just happen, it’s a choice. In fact, ever after is also a choice, but it’s a much easier choice when we choose well at the ball. When we settle for what’s available. rather than wait for our prince (albeit imperfect like us), we can spend a lot of time trying to make a frog into a prince… the problem is that I seem to recall it takes a witch to do that. So, what happens if we transform him into a prince and we are transformed into a witch in the process? Oh yeah, vicious cycle. Somehow the picture of a prince – a leader ruling his subjects with grace and goodness doesn’t look the same with a nagging wife following behind him telling him what he’s doing wrong.

The good news is that dreams do come true. Sometimes dreams require a little fine tuning, usually they require that we work on being a princess rather than pointing out the flaws in our prince. Prayer, patience, pointing out strengths and lots of adjusting: “forgive me, let’s try that again” are a much sweeter recipe for happily ever after.

But dreams do come true… and reality can be happier than the fairy tale. Not only do they not tell you about the work, they also don’t tell you how worth it, it is. Investing in improving our life (physically, emotionally, spiritually), our marriage, our children, our community is so worth it! If we be that princess who has a life after the ball, and don’t let it be all about the ball, happily ever after can be a dream come true. Each day is a new adventure… find one today

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