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We often talk about how life has its ups and downs, we don’t like to talk about the plateaus… Plateaus are often those places when we don’t really feel like we’re making progress, and the place where we are most likely to give up. Isn’t the plateau the place where we often get discouraged and turn back?Hmmm… what if we look at plateaus differently?
Plateaus can be a place of renewal before you reach another challenge
Plateaus can be a chance to experience calm before you head back down
Plateaus can be an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of a waterfall as it cascades into the valley below
Plateaus can be the place where we sit beside the pool of still water
What if we follow the plateau to the end and find either another challenging climb or a place to soar with eagles… I picture hangliders or parasailing off the plateau, a runway for planes to take off, or rappelling back down to the valley.

Careers, diets, personal growth, spiritual growth… life is full of plateaus.

It’s kind of fun seeing what’s on the trail ahead. We’ll know if we need to turn back or continue on by the presence or absence of red flag warnings. Sometimes there are rattlesnakes ahead, sometimes there are beautiful lakes and waterfalls. What if the plateau is all part of the journey and the adventure… and we are ok with it?

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