Second Chances – 2017-11-13

Our God is the God of Second Chances…
Yesterday He blessed us with a vivid beautiful rainbow, but I missed it with the camera.
This morning, as I shot a sunrise with the clouds photo, God lit up the sky again with an amazing rainbow! As I ran around shooting pics, a flock of doves flew around cooing. You can sort of see them in a couple shots. I am soaked, my cell is unhappy at being wet, but for a moment, I danced in the light of God’s promise! Feeling soooo blessed!
Every time God blesses me with these moments, I am soooo AWED! I deserve no more than anyone else, I do not know what, where, or how long He will bless me with these moments, and so, I cherish the present moment. The present presence is my present.
I see His blessing throughout our lives… but the bigger the leap of faith, the bigger the blessings… Sometimes I can hardly stand it, He fills my heart to where it explodes! I’m sure it’s to take my mind off the negative “what ifs” that people like to point out and keep my eyes on the WHAT IS – Jesus is WHAT IS and is so much greater than the what if monster.
with all the storms, we have had many trees fall. We went for a walk the other days, “look! all the trees are falling!”
“you see a grove of dead trees, I see a grove of live trees, with 3 fallen trees.” When I keep my eyes on Jesus, I do not despair over the little lost because see the great remanent, Jesus, the promise and hope that lives, not the hope and futile promise of man which falls to the ground and rots, or is burned in the fire.
I have prayed that God would speak to hearts through this place, that He would make His promises, His hope, His presence known… and yet, I am awed at the many ways in which He does this and am so overwhelmed with blessings to be a witness to the small reflection of His glory that we get to experience here on earth. I cannot imagine the glory of Heaven – I know that if I glimpsed it, I would not be able to remain here. I don’t know WHEN I will go there, but since I know WHERE I will go, it really doesn’t matter when.

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

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