Busy day today… War Room time a MUST… I cannot leave the War Room unchanged.
As I was reading Hosea, I thought how much God required of His prophets (and how little we expect Him to require of us). God had Hosea marry a harlot. Of three children, he was the father of one. Gomer left Hosea many times, yet he took her back, and her children… a beautiful picture of how God takes us back when we wander.
…and so it is with me. Some days, the to do list and necessary stuff screams at me and I lose that precious time that is so necessary for me to live a focused day. The war room is not a magical place, it is a place of focus… to focus me and my prayers. One shelf is a memory shelf – the standing stones to what God has done in my life. One shelf is a memory shelf – of who God is and who Jesus is – wow, look what He has done for me, in me and through me! I cannot remember who was without Jesus, and who I am in Jesus and live today unchanged. Today, those shelves spoke to me the most – the shelves that prompt me to REMEMBER. I am so, so blessed and awed by God’s amazing blessings! It is even more amazing that He loved us – me – when I/we didn’t/don’t deserve it. There is nothing I can do to deserve that kind of love, and nothing I can do to repay it… only JOY and THANKSGIVING that it is so… not because of who we are, but because of who God is.
Like Hosea took Gomer back, God brings me back – when I spiritually/emotionally lose focus. How great is our God?!