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Streams of Manna

Publication Date: December 19, 2011 This book is a compilation of poems, songs, and thoughts God has given to me as I have spent time in His presence praying for so many individuals as we journey through the challenges of life. So often, God wakes me in the first watch of the night with thoughts that my mind could not grasp in the midst of busy days. So much of the music came as a result of times of fasting and prayer for loved ones who were faced with overwhelming struggles and challenges. I love to watch people and the way they interact. The poetry and Reflections on Life have been written in journals, scraps of paper, and even thoughts I shared on facebook over the years as God revealed himself in various situations. My immediate family tends to be adrenaline junkies, and our recreational activities include snowmobiling, dirt bike riding, showboarding, kayaking, and more. These frequently became points for inspiration as I overcame my nature to want to play it safe and learned to take those steps of faith which have allowed me to grow in my personal and spiritual relationships. God is present in all areas of our lives, and many of these are written in the midst of or about life situations and encounters with God, even in areas I didn't expect to encounter Him. The cover for this collection is a location I often slip away to spend time with God. At this particular landscape, and troubled waters all occurring in the same place at the same time. This was reflective of my emotions for the day. It is at these times that God speaks in pictures and words written on the heart to love and encourage His children. I pray that this collection will bless and encourage you the way these encounters with God strengthen and sustain me. May you draw from the Streams of Manna which He has provided each of us to give us sustenance in our journey.

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