Heart to Heart
I wonder… if the shoe was on the other foot, would you stand where you are standing?
Facebook and social media are like a piece of dirt. You can use it as a dump site for your trash, or you can use it to build a home to welcome others and to bring comfort to those who pass by.
when we get highly focused on our own wants, we often neglect and even fail to see the needs of others. The “me” world is very small, and is often an endless pit which is not very satisfying. Whereas the We world has endless possibilities #4writestuff
Often, it is not as important what happened as is what happens next…
One of the great disillusionments in life is that so often those who “have your back” are of the character that you’d really better watch your back.
Depression is a lot like falling into a shark tank… you know you will get chewed up pretty bad, but you pray the blood doesn’t draw more sharks and that you can make it to the other side without being devoured…
Often, when God is tuning a heart, we must hold our voice so as to not create a distraction or dissonant chord. While our heart longs to be heard, until that heart’s discord is brought back into resonance, our song, our voice, our mournful tunes, rise on waves, and cling to the feet of Jesus as He carries us from the raging seas to peaceful sands. He gently picks up shell after shell and listens to the echo within, as He gathers that which He treasures, us, to Him. #4writestuff
There is such a huge difference between talking and having a conversation. The one uses our words whereas the other uses our hearts.
Positive feedback feels good. Constructive feedback gives an opportunity to learn, and only feels acceptable to those who value learning. I hate it when I mess up, but am grateful for the opportunity to learn.Live by action or REaction? Living by action, looks like being proactive – Living by reaction, looks like living in crisis mode – and a lot of things become a crisis that could have been avoided with proactive living.It is ok to read something on the internet that you disagree with and move on with your life without commenting.
Positive feedback feels good. Constructive feedback gives an opportunity to learn, and only feels acceptable to those who value learning. I hate it when I mess up, but am grateful for the opportunity to learn.Live by action or REaction? Living by action, looks like being proactive – Living by reaction, looks like living in crisis mode – and a lot of things become a crisis that could have been avoided with proactive living.It is ok to read something on the internet that you disagree with and move on with your life without commenting.
Facebook and social media are like a piece of dirt. You can use it as a dump site for your trash, or you can use it to build a home to welcome others and to bring comfort to those who pass by. #4writestuff
Often, it is not as important what happened as is what happens next… #4writestuffWe don’t see others as Jesus sees them… our job is not to judge, our job is to love them like Jesus…