Fruit Inspectors -2018-01-20

I have an odd painting style… paint the big stuff, then go back in and touch up… I start at one side of the room and work my way around.

Cyndi walked in and said, “you missed a spot and started pointing out spots…” “Yes, I started on this wall and I’m working my way around…”


I thought how often we do that with people… while it is true we need to be “fruit inspectors” to look at the fruit of someone’s life and thereby be able to best utilize their talents and strengths; it is also important to not write them off because all the imperfections aren’t filled in… Some times we need helping filling in the spots, other times we need to recognize the beauty of what has already been done so as to be a help to the process.

God’s still working on each of us! And, honestly, we won’t be perfect this side of heaven. When I look in the mirror of Jesus’ heart, I see so many spots He is still working on… each in it’s own order and it’s own season. 

I love God’s visuals… it’s ok… He hasn’t started that part yet… but He hasn’t forgotten it, and it will be taken care of in His time.

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