- Faith receives more than it asks. Doubt loses more than it disbelieved.
- Every inch of ground we refuse to take with God, we surrender to the enemy.
- Because we look up, we’re compelled to look out.
- Satan never wastes a fiery dart on an area covered in armor.
- When a teacher stumbles, she is apt to be charged a group rate.
- True intimacy with God always brings humility.
- Wisdom often knows what to do, what is right or what is awry. Understanding knows why.
- Some things don’t need to be cut back, they need to be cut off.
- A bruised heart that chooses to beat with a passion for God amid pulsing pain and confusion may just be the most expensive offering placed on the divine altar.
- True religion is all hands on deck and all heads out of the sand.
- One person can bring favor to many during the storm.
- James teaches us the difference between talking about living in victory and actually doing it.
- Temptation attempts to tear open the package before its due date and, in so doing, disfigures what’s inside.