Was thinking about single parents today – such a challenging, but rewarding place to be. Those precious children are a worthwhile investment, but it is still a challenge. It is easy to be removed from that world when it is not your own. They say, “walk a mile in my shoes…” Try on those shoes for a minute… think about it: a single parent is both the bread winner and the bread maker. A single parent is the sole decision maker without the benefit of feedback and brain storming with their spouse. A single parent is soul/solely responsible for their children, when they are exhausted, there is no safety net. A single parent often lays there at night wondering if they are enough, how they will make ends meet, how will they provide physically and emotionally for their children’s needs. There is no one to hear, to encourage, to lend a helping hand. A single parent often staggers to their feet in the morning and bravely faces another day not knowing if or when things will get better.
Some claim victim status and use the title “single parent” when their spouse is working away from home. It is so very difficult for those married couples when one works on the road or is gone for a period of time… but they also know there is an end in sight, and it is different from not seeing an ending, to not knowing if/when help will come… from not having that reunion to look forward to.
I was contemplating Hebrews 12:12-13 “Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.”
As I contemplate future ministries, this seems like an area where hands and hearts grow weary. Strengthening the hands of weary parents also strengthens the hearts of their children. Some times a helping hand looks like a hot meal or a bag of groceries to lighten the load, sometimes it looks like childcare for a few hours…
I wonder what opportunities God will provide for ministry in this area…