Dare to Dream – 2016-10-15

28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1

It struck me this morning that if Adam and Eve had been all about pursuing God’s dream, they would not have been hanging around, longing for forbidden fruit… wow, would the world have been different!

Wonder how different the world would be if WE pursue God’s dream in our lives instead of longing for forbidden fruit – staring longingly at someone else’s tree or calling instead of living the dream… God’s dream…

Sometimes a leap of faith might look like jumping off a cloud of despair to land on another cloud… that looks a lot like God’s dream…

Who do you want/need on your dream team? I’d recommend starting with prayer warriors. When you share your dream, you open up another realm of possibilities and another layer of dreams. As we have shared our dreams, God has brought people along side of us to pray, encourage and yes, network, to open up new possibilities. Often, when we partner with others to take our dreams to another level, it dovetails with their dreams and also takes their dreams to another level.

Dare to Dream… Dare to pursue the possibilities…


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